Archive for the “Blog” Category

Need a Vacation? We Can Handle Your Bookkeeping While You’re Gone

person relaxing at the beach

If you do your own small business bookkeeping, or have a small staff with one person who handles the books, what happens when you or your in-house bookkeeping go on vacation, take a break, or suddenly need to take time off to care for a family member who is ill? It’s hard enough to come […]Read More

The Best of Both Worlds? A Local/Virtual Bookkeeping Service

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Many small- to medium-sized businesses outsource their bookkeeping. It only makes sense: you save time and money, while getting regular, accurate, up-to-date financial reports that help you make smart business decisions. For a long time, the best outsourced bookkeeping choice was a local firm near your business, that you could conveniently visit as needed. Cloud-based […]Read More

Get a Free Consultation with One of Cincinnati’s Top Bookkeeping Companies

BookWerk Betty

Many small-to-medium businesses do their own bookkeeping, but find it a hassle and have a hard time keeping up with daily recordkeeping. A free bookkeeping consultation with BookwerksTM can help you determine whether using an outside firm is right for you at this time. How BookwerksTM Can Help Bookkeeping is the practice of tracking financial […]Read More

Need Payroll Help? We Can Find You a Good Service (and the Right Bookkeeper as Well)

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Are you in charge of payroll at your organization? Looking for an outside service to handle that role? Or if you have a resource already, do you currently use: a big national firm, an online company or a local provider? All of these can deliver your payroll when you need it, and one may be […]Read More

Outsourcing: The Key to Getting Your Life in Balance

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Do you run your business or does it run you? Are your work and life in balance? Do you sleep well at night? You have a lot on your plate when it comes to balancing: your business, your family and your own mental and physical health. A great time-saver well worth the affordable cost is […]Read More

Bookkeepers and Accountants Work Hand-in-Hand

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When you go to the dentist, your hygienist cleans your teeth, and then after they are done, the dentist comes in to make sure everything is OK. It makes sense for the hygienist, who is particularly skilled at cleaning teeth, to do that part, and the dentist, who has the big dental picture in mind, […]Read More

Is Hiring an Outside Bookkeeping Service a Good Investment?

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What tasks do you perform for your business that give you the most return on your investment? Is bookkeeping one of them? Doubtful. Sure, you need up-to-date, accurate numbers so you know how you’re performing, but in and of itself, keeping the books does not generate any income. What if you could outsource this job to […]Read More

Solutions to Staffing Shortages – Save Time, Money and Even Sleep in 2022!

busy coffee store

If you’re not suffering from staffing issues, you’re in better shape than most small business owners these days. Because of the lack of staff, many owners are doing tasks they thought they wouldn’t have to handle anymore. One solution to your time crunch is to relieve yourself of activities that are non-revenue-generating, such as bookkeeping. […]Read More

Are You Running Your Business, or Is It Running You?

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It’s not healthy to only be known for your work ethic, yet that is the situation many small business owners find themselves in. Is your company in the driver’s seat? Take this short quiz: Are you stressed, anxious or exhausted most of the time? How’s your physical health? Your mental health? Do you have a life […]Read More

How Your Small Business Can Survive The Great Resignation

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America is experiencing a labor shortage unlike any in our past. With employees taking non-traditional jobs, retiring early and starting their own businesses, organizations across sectors are struggling to stay fully staffed. Here are four sets of actions you can take to address the worker shortage: Make the work more gratifying and viable for the long-term, improve […]Read More