Is There a Good CPA Bookkeeper Near Me?

Having a good daily grasp of your financial position is a winning strategy in small business. You can do bookkeeping and accounting yourself, but is that a smart decision? It usually saves time and money, and you get more timely, accurate information when you use a professional, either in-house or outsourced.

Most business owners, unless they are highly-trained in financial record-keeping, find it works better to outsource. They can focus their energy and attention on tasks that lead to business growth.

Your Business May Need a Cincinnati CPA, Bookkeeper or Both

accounting paperworkBookkeeping firms like BookWerksTM keep track of daily financial transactions, using standard accounting practices to accurately record income and expenses, reconcile bank and credit card statements, and keep you in the loop with monthly reports such as balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and income statements.

They can handle invoices and bills, and will ensure your books are ready at tax time, making the tax preparers job easier and likely saving you money.

Accountants are more big-picture–and usually more expensive–offering tax and advisory services. Your accountant will prevent tax errors and resulting audits. Because they know all the tax rules, accountants can tell you how much money to set aside, and ensure you don’t overpay.

Good bookkeepers keep tax-ready records your CPAs can easily use, with your permission, of course.

Many CPAs do provide bookkeeping, but you will pay a lot more for a local CPA bookkeeper than a company that focuses  solely on bookkeeping.

BookWerksTM is not a Cincinnati CPA office; we are a bookkeeping firm who can provide bookkeeping at a much more affordable rate than a CPA, and provide financial details to your CPA at tax time. Our company works hand in hand with many CPA offices.

An online search can help you find bookkeepers, CPAs and CPA bookkeepers close by. Be sure they are credentialed and offer anytime access your bookkeeper and financials.