Posts Tagged “bookkeeping basics”

Bookkeeping Basics for New Business Owners

financial paperwork

Bookkeeping is the process of keeping track of each financial transaction–from the day you hang out your shingle to the day you shut down. Each transaction is recorded based on documents such as receipts, invoices or purchase orders Most companies–or their bookkeeping partners serving small businesses–use specialized accounting software to keep their books. The bookkeeper […]Read More

How a Bookkeeping Service can help your Small Business Grow

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Small business owners are responsible for sales, marketing, product development, customer service and more. It’s no wonder bookkeeping often falls between the cracks. But keeping accurate financial records is key to the growth of your business. What Does a Bookkeeper Do? A bookkeeper is responsible for maintaining financial records and ensuring that all transactions are […]Read More

Making the Most of Your Balance Sheet

financial paperwork

What’s the value of a balance sheet? It can help you know your company’s net worth, how much money you have made, and where your equity is located. Balance sheets are also essential for attracting investors, securing loans and selling a business. What is a Balance Sheet? The balance sheet provides a picture of your […]Read More

How to Do it Yourself: A Crash Bookkeeping Course

business people with a thumbs up sign

Bookkeeping is the practice of tracking financial transactions so you see exactly what you are spending, where your revenue is coming from, and which tax deductions you can claim. Why it is important: It helps you catch more deductions on your taxes. When you log every transaction by category, you know at a glance which […]Read More

Behind on Bookkeeping? Here’s an Easy Way to Catch Up and Stay Up-to-Date

someone using computer software

A common woe of small business owners is falling behind on bookkeeping. That can be a problem for three reasons: You might lose track of cash flow and find yourself unable to meet payroll or bills You might not be able make informed decisions about growing your business You could be faced with a big […]Read More

Bookkeeping Basics

financial paperwork

Bookkeeping is the recording of all financial transactions your business makes. Bookkeepers record, classify and organize transactions using supporting documentation such as receipts, invoices, purchase orders, etc. Most bookkeeping and accounting services for small businesses and franchises in Cincinnati now use specialized computer programs like Xero, or QuickBooks. Terms to understand When you set up your […]Read More