It’s ok to speculate. That business plan in your hand. It’s a narrative about how the future will turn out. Speculation launches us into valuable conversations for action. But know that it’s speculation, not truth.
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When a search brings up over twenty local bookkeeping services, how do you know which one is best? To determine which one or two might be good bets, Ask peers you trust from trade groups who they like. Look at the bookkeepers’ payment structures. At BookWerks™, our clients appreciate a flat monthly fee, so there are no surprises. Read their reviews and ask the firm whether they have experience in your industry, preferably with businesses the size of yours. Compare rates. A company that says they are among Cincinnati’s top bookkeeping services with rates far above or below the norm may not be the right choice. Meet in person before you make a decision. You can learn a lot in a short meeting: whether you like their approach, if they can explain finances in terms you understand, and whether you have a good feeling about them.