Make Tax Prep Easier in 2025 by Hiring an Outsourced Bookkeeper NOW

tax docs on desk

Professional bookkeeping firms like BookWerksTM take the stress out of tax time for small businesses like yours.

Our bookkeepers have years of experience in your industry, so they are well-versed in how to best help take the burden of bookkeeping off your plate.

When it is time to turn financial records over to your accountant, you can rest assured everything will be accurate, up-to-date and compliant, so there is less risk of errors or an audit than if you did your bookkeeping in-house.

Stay Organized Throughout the Year

Gathering the documents you need at tax time is simple when you use bookkeeping services for small business. Say goodbye to the added stress at tax time; just call your BookWerksTM bookkeeper and say, “Send my stuff to (name of your accountant).”

We actually help reduce small business owner stress year-round, with reports that keep you posted on how you are doing. Deciding when and how to grow can be done in confidence when you know how various locations are faring in terms of income, expenses, cash flow, etc.

Save Money

Many business owners imagine it might be more expensive to outsource their bookkeeping than to do it in house. We have found the opposite: because our staff only does bookkeeping, they are far more efficient than internal small business employees who may have to wear more than one hat. Letting your outsourced bookkeeper do the work means you and your team can focus on revenue generating tasks.

With more efficient recordkeeping, fewer errors and less chance of an audit, business owners have more time to focus on what matters most to their customers. Plus, they get more free time and gain peace of mind that their finances are in order all the time.

Your BookWerksTM bookkeeper doesn’t require space at your business, work on the part of your payroll service, or benefits, yet provides the professional help you need to keep a sharp eye on your finances.

They won’t leave you in the lurch when a family emergency or vacation comes up. We won’t miss a beat getting your reports out when you expect them – that’s our job.

Tax Planning

Our professionals help their clients plan for tax time with timely reports. Reducing tax-time stress so our clients can focus more on managing and growing their business, is our business. Your accountant will greatly appreciate accurate bookkeeping to make their job easier, not to mention the money you will save since they won’t have to “clean-up” your books.

Save Time

Our experienced staff completes day-to-day bookkeeping tasks faster than your employees can; it’s all we do and we are pretty good at it! Why spend time on the tedious, non-revenue-generating bookkeeping tasks when BookWerksTM can do it faster and better?


The more organized and accurate your financial records and tax filings are, the less likely you are to face penalties, fines and/or an audit. Our attention to detail helps ensure your tax returns are correct and complete.

Accessible Data

We use secure, cloud-based accounting software to store your financial data and reports, so your information is always at your fingertips. This makes it easier to prepare your taxes, and check the financial health of your business at any time, anywhere.

Scalable Help

BookWerksTM can adapt to your changing needs as you grow or downsize. Our flat, monthly fees are based on the complexity of your bookkeeping needs, so if things change, we can adjust our fees accordingly. Whatever size you are at tax time, we have the info the IRS needs.

Independent bookkeeping services provide small businesses with expert financial management, organized records, tax planning, cost savings and peace of mind—when taxes are due, and all year round.